Aggressive Driving Accidents

No matter what time of day or night you get out on the road, it is possible you could encounter an aggressive driver. If, despite your best efforts, a crash occurs and you get injured, do you know what steps you should take to protect your health and your legal interests? At Justice Injury Law, we are committed to protecting the rights and legal interests of victims injured by the willful negligence of others. We have spent decades advocating for injured victims, and we work diligently to hold at-fault parties accountable for their actions. If you were injured in an aggressive driving crash, contact our law offices for legal help as soon after your crash as possible. Our experienced car accident lawyers in Louisville have a proven history of success, and we are here to help you. Your initial case review is completely free, and if we represent you, there are no upfront costs to pay.

Call Justice Injury Law 24/7 to request your FREE case review: 502-584-5455

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What Are Some Reasons People May Drive Aggressively in Kentucky?

People in any state may drive aggressively for several reasons, but heavy traffic is a primary factor. Sometimes people are angry about something that has happened in their personal lives. Maybe they got laid off from work or argued with a spouse, partner or teen. Drivers running late for an appointment or work may quickly get agitated. If they get behind a driver they feel is going too slow, for example, they may tailgate this person to try to intimidate them into going faster or getting out of their way.

What Legal Options Do I Have if an Aggressive Driver Caused My Crash?

If you are injured in a crash caused by an aggressive driver, you may be eligible to seek compensation for your medical costs, lost wages and other losses. However, the insurance company of the liable party will do all they can to pay you as little as possible. They will likely try to shift some of the blame to you.

What If I Am Partially At Fault for the Crash?

Victims can sometimes be partially to blame for an aggressive driving crash. For instance, if a driver being followed too closely by another one deliberately slams on the brakes. People who do this are often trying to teach the tailgating driver a lesson. Unfortunately, that can easily backfire and lead to a crash.

Even if you think you may have been partially to blame for a crash, you should never say so to first responders, the other party or anyone except your attorney. For one thing, you may be wrong. Let crash scene investigators do their job and determine who is at fault. Your attorney’s job is to ensure you are not assessed with more than your share of liability.

How Kentucky’s Pure Comparative Negligence Rule May Apply

You may be eligible to file a claim despite being partially at fault for your crash. However, any compensation you are awarded will be reduced by your percentage of fault. As long as you are not found 100 percent liable for a crash, you may still have a case. This is something you should discuss with your attorney. He or she will need to review all the details of your situation to determine if you may have a case.

Tips on Protecting Yourself From an Aggressive Driver

Drivers who suddenly find themselves confronted by any of these behaviors may get angry as well, but reacting to an aggressive driver could make things much worse. However, there are things you can do to protect yourself from an aggressive driver.

Stay Alert and Focused on the Road

Staying alert can help you to spot an aggressive driver ahead of you before you get too close. One common example is if you see a driver erratically weaving in and out of traffic lanes. However, you should also regularly check your side mirrors and rear-view mirrors as an aggressive driver could also be behind you.

Remain Calm and Make Space

The last thing you want is to get drawn into this other driver’s aggressive behavior. In other words, keep focused on what you can do to avoid engaging with a reckless driver, such as by hanging back until that individual gets further ahead.

Avoid Actions That Could Make Matters Worse

In other words, do not become part of the problem, such as by laying on your horn, making gestures or shouting. You should not make any eye contact with an aggressive driver.

Move Over and Let the Other Driver Pass

If another driver is tailgating you to let you know he or she wants to get past you, put on your turn signal right away. This lets that driver know you are going to move out of their way. Remain calm and look for space in the next lane and move over when it is safe.

Injured in an Aggressive Driving Crash? Call To Discuss Your Situation Today

At Justice Injury Law, we are here to help you and help you navigate the legal process. The insurance company’s goals do not align with yours, as they need to protect their bottom line. Our goal is to help you recover the maximum possible compensation for your damages. Call our law offices anytime, night or day, to learn if you may have a case. Since we accept car crash cases on contingency, you pay us nothing up front or throughout the legal process. We only get paid if you do.

Call our Louisville aggressive driving lawyers today: 502-584-5455

How Is an Aggressive Driver Defined in Kentucky?

People often confuse road rage with aggressive driving, but they are two different things. That said, aggressive driving behaviors can often transition into an act of road rage.

While specific behaviors are not listed under the law, KRS § 189.290 states drivers of any vehicle must operate carefully. Drivers must show regard for the safety of pedestrians and other vehicles sharing the road.

So what type of behavior classifies as aggressive driving in Kentucky? Any actions that have the potential to cause harm to another individual or lead to a crash may be considered aggressive driving.

Common examples of aggressive driving behaviors include:

  • Running red lights, stop signs or ignoring other traffic signals
  • Erratically darting in and out of traffic lanes, often without signaling
  • Following other vehicles too closely, also known as tailgating
  • Speeding, including in heavy traffic, bad weather and poor road conditions
  • Making obscene or threatening hand and facial gestures at others
  • Shouting verbal threats at others through windows or in person
  • Laying on the horn, shouting or flashing lights at other drivers

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